Rio stole my heart.
I felt on the edge, between excitement and fear, hot sun and endless rain, tropical vegetation and white beach, growing economy and diffused poverty. I felt that it’s fine if I am not perfect, we all aren’t. I felt that you can always ask somebody for help. Somebody will help you. I felt free and constrained. I felt alive.
Lapa and Santa Teresa

The basic rules I have learned about dancing: first of all, it is very unpolite to refuse an invite to dance, if you are in a dance hall. Young, old, good looking, fat, thin, tall, short, single, married. Despite the appearance or status of the aspirant partner, you are there to dance, and you go for it. The only way to decline is by going to the bar or to the washroom. This is because Brazilians are much more used to have bodies sharing an experience, and it is not about sex only, most of the times not at all. The second rule is that you are not supposed to stop dancing before the song has come to the end. Dancing is fun but it is also a serious discipline. Third rule is let them teach you: I was once at a samba concert where Brazilian girls took me to their circle and started to show me the basic movements and how to adapt them to the rhythm of the music. And I went to dance forro as well, which is really complicated until you dismiss your rationality and let your body learn from the other bodies.

Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói — MAC
Overlooking Guanabara Bay and the Sugar Loaf Mountain the Museum is in worth a visit for the impressive architecture by Oscar Niemeyer. The collection though is not very appealing. Crossing the ocean by ferry from Praca XV offers a beautiful vew on Rio.
Museu Nacional de Belas Artes
In the Cinelandia district contains pieces of sculpture and painting from the last centuries. Fascination, dreamfullness and proud are the emotions enclosed in these works of art.

About safety
– In general, Rio is quite of an unsafe city, so better to keep the eyes always open but without over panicking
– I always took with me just with a plastic bag with some stuffs in, that’s the way they do it, and the phone in my bra. In the night I wouldn’t go around with cameras or backpack or bag
– Some guys in the hostel got robbed with a knife, so keep some money in the pocket to give it to a robber (faster and better than arguing or trying to react)
– If unsure about a street, best is to ask somebody, people are amazing in Rio and ready to help
– There are some vans, white, small Volkswagen or bigger ones,they are less expensive that the bus and they can drop you off in the exact place you need
– At the beach nice people or families are used to look after stuffs from other peoples that are swimming.
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